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Grantees Profile

Esther Ekua Amfoa Amoako

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Area of research: The Impact of Anthropogenic Bushfires in Savannah/Parklands.

Grantee Description

Home Institution: University for Development Studies

Host institution: University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Area of research: The Impact of Anthropogenic Bushfires in Savannah/Parklands.

Research focus:  The deterioration of vegetation and soils is evidently caused by human activities, including the use of fire, be it as a part of traditional agricultural practice including the reduction of combustible litter on farmlands, to simulating new shoots to enhance grazing, or for hunting (Ashaley, 2012). These methods are very significant in the traditional farming systems in West Africa and have enormous effects on plant communities and soil productivity (Nsia-Gyabaah, 1996: Ashaley, 2012).

The research is investigating the impact of anthropogenic bushfires on species diversity, soil seed bank and soil biota.