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Grantees Profile

Mercy Afua Adutwumwaa Derkyi

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Area of research: Linkage of social-natural-governing systems.

Grantee Description

Home Institution: University of Energy and Natural Resources

Host institution: University of Ghana.

Area of research: Linkage of social-natural-governing systems.

Research focus: Disaggregating gender issues of how farmers mitigate and adapt to climate variability in agriculture-forest livelihood landscapes, the incentives, constraints and opportunities thereof is the focus of the research. The hypothesis is that men and women in this landscape due to socially constructed gender roles, access to and control of resources; and geographical locations are differently vulnerable to climate change and have diverse coping strategies to enhance their livelihoods and sustain the landscape’. Theoretical and methodological focus of the study is on three key concepts (i.e. gender, social–ecological system, climate change) and mixed methods respectively. The study hopes to contribute to policy interventions directed to the needs of the different gender categories.