Catherine Njeri Mungai
Country (Nationality)
Grantee Title
Area of research: Climate change, food security, gender, policy.
Grantee Description
Home Institution: International Livestock Research Institute
Host institution: University of Nairobi, Kenya.
Area of research: Climate change, food security, gender, policy.
Research focus: The study seeks to understand the agriculture, climate change and trade policy and institutional environment as it relates to smallholders’ capacity to undertake climate smart agriculture in Kenya. There is an apparent need to understand the interrelationships between policies (and its actors) at national, county and community levels in order to recommend potential solutions that can support/create the enabling environment for the implementation of climate smart farming options. Using a gender lens, the study attempts to identify the missing link and suggest recommendations that can be used to improve the policy environment as well as enable adaptation to climate change at the end‐user level.