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Grantees Profile

Annie Njanja

Country (Nationality)


Grantee Title

Annie Njanja is a journalist with a keen interest on health, climate change and gender issues. During my five years as a journalist i have also explored technology and business reporting.

Grantee Description

I have been writing for the Nation Media Group's business publication (Business Daily) for the last four years and prior to that i was attached at the The East African BT magazine for a year. I am an International Center for Journalist (ICFJ) Early Childhood Development fellow and Global Editor's Network (GEN) Data Journalism 2017 award winner, an accolade i clinched for a science story i wrote on Malaria prevention study at the Lake Victoria region. I used data to show the burden of the illness on various regions in Kenya. I received my bachelor's degree at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).

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