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Grantees Profile

Led by Sashin Harilall & Helen Coskeran

Country (Nationality)

Various Countries

Grantee Title

Project Title: Cradle to Grave: A Research and Programme Management Knowledge-sharing Series

Grantee Description

The SANTHE-GCRF GROW team will develop and run five workshops hosted at the University of Leeds and the Africa Health Research Institute and/or the Botswana-Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership covering the research grant lifetime from design to postimplementation. The workshops will examine:

  • Similarities and Differences in the Research Funding Landscape: Case study of the UK versus Southern Africa – 
  • Designing a Lasting and Equitable Research Legacy: - 
  • Pre-Award Project Design and Post-Award Implementation: Case studies of programme design pitfalls 
  • Collaborative implementation, reporting and close-out – 
  • Measuring the Impact of Staff Secondments and Tracking Skills Development 

We will invite 30-50 participants from our respective institutions, programmes and funding cohorts. The aim is for this cohort to engage in all five workshops, sharing knowledge and best practice in the above areas and forming the basis of an international network of research managers that will go beyond the IRMSDP initiative.