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Affiliateship: 2020-2024

Cohort 5

Country (Nationality)





I am currently working as a professor associate at the department of Parasitology-Mycology of Cheikh Anta Diop University and of Aristide le Dantec university hospital where I perform my research activities. This academic position is combined with a senior biologist position focusing on the diagnosis of parasitic and fungal infections.

I have been working as senior scientific officer (post-doctoral attachment) within the Malaria Unit of the Laboratory of Parasitology-Mycology at UCAD with the collaboration of Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) specifically working on malaria immunity and genomics.

My PhD focused on the humoral response against malaria and was funded by the Fogarty Scholar program and the HSPH.

My research activities are focused mainly on malaria in the context of elimination, working in implementing new strategies in pre-elimination and elimination setting areas in Sénégal. Our team works closely with the NMCP to address relevant research questions for malarial control and elimination, using genomic and serologic data to assess or implement the programme’s  interventions across the country.

Since January 2020, I am a Crick African Network Career Accelerator awardee, I will be working the next two years with the MRC and the crick institute colleagues into developing new strategies for malaria elimination in the Senegambia region.

Beside my work for malaria, I am also interested into the fever of unknown origin caused by other pathogens such as opportunistic fungi and parasites and implementing diagnostic tools into the hospitals for their diagnostic.