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Mohamed Hussein AbdelRazik

Affiliateship: 2020-2024

Cohort 5

Country (Nationality)



Engineering Technology & Applied Sciences


Mohamed Hussein AbdelRazik was born in Egypt, on 1984. He received his B.Sc. degree in Electronics - Physics with grade very good with honors first on his class from Ain Shams University. In 2010, he got his M.Sc. degree in Physics (electronics) from the same university. He got research scholarship in Josaphat Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory, Chiba University Japan for design and analysis of microwave antennas.  He got his PhD under title “Design, Simulation, Characterization and Analysis of Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Devices” through a collaboration between Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Egypt and Center for Photonics and Smart Materials, Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt in 2016. Since 2016, he works as lecturer at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, and Post-Doctoral Fellow at the CPSM Center, Zewail City, Egypt. He got a Postdoctoral fellowship in Department of Electrical and electronic Engineering, Wayne State University, Michigan, USA in 2017. He is working in the area of “Computational Electromagnetics”, with good track records of publications. He has built an outstanding in the area of Computational modeling with emphasis on nanoantennas and nanowires for solar energy harvesting. Based on his research, 21 journal papers, mostly in IEEE, JOSAB, optics express, photonics for energy and IEE journals, have been published, and 29 conference papers have been presented in the best national and international meetings.  His main research interests are focused on the areas of numerical modeling of solar cells and nanoantenna for point to point communications and energy harvesting applications. In this context, Dr. Hussein has reported novel designs of highly efficient nanowires and nano-antennas for energy harvesting applications for the first time. Further, he has been awarded the Incentive State Award for Engineering Sciences from the Egyptian Government for the year 2018/2019, Egypt. Recently, He has been elected by Minister of Higher Education and Research in Egypt as a member of the National Council for Communications and Information Technology, and the Egyptian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS), Egypt