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Intellectual Property and Commercialization Policy

Intellectual Property and Commercialization Policy



To ensure that there is clear guidance and understanding among AAS and its partners, consultants, applicants and funded researchers on issues of intellectual property and commercial exploitation. 

Policy Statement

Any entity (institution or individual) in receipt of funding from AAS must ensure that the terms of the agreement do not compromise its ability, or that of its staff, partners and consultants to adhere to the AAS conditions with respect to the use and/or publication of data/information coming out of the funding and intellectual property. This include but not limited to:-

a) Issues of ownership for IP generated during AAS funded projects

b) Commercial exploitation and the role of the AAS in supporting this process

c) Co-ownership between AAS and AAS funded innovators/researchers


a) Disclosure of IP during grant application and review

  • The applicant must disclose proprietary information in their full application in order to provide the most comprehensive picture of their proposed research.
  • Applicants should note that their proposals (and any supplementary information provided) will be made available to staff of AAS, referees and external advisers for the purposes of peer-review and due diligence.

b) Co-ownership between AAS and AAS funded Innovators/Researchers

If a patent has been filed on the basis of AAS-funded research, then AAS should be informed, as it may be entitled to negotiate a revenue share. If the institution has no firm intention or plan to exploit, then AAS might be interested in taking it forward.

c) Patents pending

Applicants will sometimes indicate that a patent connected with their research is pending, or that they intend to file a patent in relation to the proposed research. Such applicants must indicate, where they have not been clearly requested by AAS in the grant application that “Applicant wish to or is expected to file a patent in relation to the proposed research’’.

d) IP during the Awarding and Implementation Stages

  • Any financial expenses that may incurred in the process of developing an IP should have a corresponding budget set aside and held at the AAS secretariat, unless the grants’ sole purpose is for the development of an IP.
  • The Programme Manager will continue to monitor potential for IP across the projects through scheduled project reports or unscheduled communication from the projects. Where budgets for the development of IP were not set aside at the beginning of the grant, additional funding or virement can be considered to cover allowable expenses related to IP development.