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Supplements Policy

Supplements Policy



The purpose of this policy is to cater for the exceptional circumstances in which supplemental funding by the AAS. In most cases, individuals and institutions holding grants from the AAS are expected to manage their funds within the award and not need extra funds.

Policy Statement

The AAS expects its grant holders to manage their grant within the funding awarded. But in unusual circumstances, small amounts of supplemental funding may be requested to assure adequate completion of the original scope of work.  The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) will only consider supplementing grants in the following circumstances:

a) Maternity/paternity/adoption leave/sick leave

  • The AAS will normally abide by the terms and conditions of the grant holders employing institution regarding maternity/paternity/adoption leave and sick leave and pay.
  • The AAS will provide the actual costs incurred by the employing institution in meeting the individual’s salary for the period they are on leave after receiving from the employing institution that the individual is returning to work.
  • Funds will be paid during the period of sick leave, if claims are submitted, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the employing institution, and/or to fund a replacement.
  • Supplements arising from maternity/paternity/adoption leave/sick leave apply to all individuals holding, working on or benefitting from AAS grants, including students.
  • The AAS will also consider requests for supplements to cover the direct research costs (such as research staff and expenses) incurred due to the grant holder taking maternity / paternity / adoption leave and sick leave.

b) Increases to Students’ Salaries

  • The increase to student’s salary may arise from promotions, regrading and career breaks.

c) Allowances for AAS-funded Researcher Working Overseas

  • Where the AAS-funded researcher is working overseas, personal allowances associated with the post (e.g. personal freight costs, medical insurance, housing, etc.) may also be supplemented. If additional research costs are requested, the grant holder will need to provide some further information.  Refer to the AAS Policy on Recruitment and Relocation Costs.

d) Inflation

  • AAS will consider supplementation where local inflation rates over the duration of the grant have increased the actual costs of the research to the extent that funding provided via the inflation allowance is not sufficient to meet actual costs. 

e) Severe Currency Depreciation

  • In the event of severe currency depreciation against locally awarded currency over the duration of the grant; where the research activities would be jeopardized. The AAS expects grant holders to mitigate this risk within the grant budget, and will consider cases for such supplementation only in exceptional circumstance provided by this clause.

f) Open access publishing costs

  • AAS will pay up to US 2,500 of the fees required by a publisher to make publications available immediately upon their publication, without any embargo period.  Refer the AAS Open Access Policy for more details.

g) Unforeseen Circumstances

  • For example, a laboratory burning down, flooding, increased animal house charges, prolonged civil strife affecting work programmes, or other compelling circumstances as carefully evaluated by the AAS programmes team. It is however expected that all equipment and infrastructure funded through AAS should be adequately insured, and AAS would only consider supplementation for direct impacts on AAS-funded research, not on wider infrastructure.


Procedure for supplemental funding varies with circumstances.  Please contact your Programme Manager for more details.  In most cases the following will apply:-

  • Notice period:
  • At least two (2) months in advance of need for additional funds
  • Documents needed
  • A summary of the proposed work and progress to-date;
  • A justification of the need for the supplemental funds; and statement of the research activities that would not be accomplished if request is denied.
  • An up-to-date spend report highlighting areas in need of supplementary funds.